Ring-Tailed Lemur
When you see a photo of the well known Ring-Tailed Lemur there is no mistake what you are looking at.
When you see a photo of the well known Ring-Tailed Lemur there is no mistake what you are looking at.
The Verreaux’s Sifaka Lemur is medium in size when compared to other species. This is the only species of Lemur to have hands and feet that are slightly webbed.
The Red Ruffed Lemur is a medium sized species. They don’t associate with any other types of Lemurs.
The Collared Brown Lemur is a primate that is medium in size. There are 12 species of Brown Lemurs in the world.
Collared Brown Lemur Read More »
The Coquerel’s Sifaka Lemur is a medium sized one and it belongs to the primate family.