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Lemur Information Index
- Lemur Habitat
Lemurs live in trees which is why they are called arboreal. There are some large species of Lemurs though that also spend time on the ground. They are only found on the Comoro Islands and Madagascar Islands. This is off of the Southeast coast of Africa.
- Lemur Anatomy
The body of the Lemur is very fascinating. They have noses that are long and pointed. They are generally very small but they will vary in size depending on the species. They have opposable thumbs and they have nails. They don’t have claws like many people believe.
- Lemur Feeding
Lemurs often feed on nuts and fruits that they find in their natural habitat. These items are typically very easy for them to find in the trees. They will consume insects and even small animals when the fruits aren’t in season.
- Lemur Reproduction
For most species of Lemurs the mating season is very short. This is usually less than three weeks per year. The female will likely only be in estrus for a few days annually. Such a small window is a huge problem for getting the number of Lemurs in the world to increase.
- Lemur Social Structure
The social structure of the Lemur is very interesting. They live in small groups that move around with each other. These family groups have females that are dominate over the males. It can be very difficult to tell the difference between the males and the females.
- Lemur Communication
There are two types of communication for the Lemurs. They use vocalization and they use scent markings. Low growls are used by the Lemurs to communicate. Sometimes that message is to get away or other times it is inviting.
- Lemur Evolution
There is plenty we don’t know about the evolution of the Lemur. However, we do have some basic information that has come to light. For example it is believed that they broke from African 175 million years ago. This is why so many of the Lemurs are now found on Madagascar Island.
- Lemur Predators
The Lemur doesn’t have very many natural predators out there. However, there are a few of them that they have to be wary of. The Fossa is the main natural predator of the Lemur. This is a type of cat like mammal that is only found in the area of the Madagascar Islands.
- Lemur Senses
Lemurs rely on their senses to help them to communicate. They have excellent hearing that helps them to identify the pitches with the sounds for communication. They track each other by sounds as well as by scents.
- Lemur Use of Tools
Lemurs are very intelligent animals. They really on a variety of tools to help them get things done. They use their mouth more than any other type of species of primate. They don’t use their feet to help them.